See What’s Possible with Financial Independence Planning

August 17, 2023

Are you thinking about retirement? We call it “financial independence planning” because it’s not just about stopping work. It’s about having the choice to do whatever you want with your life. At Wymer Brownlee, we specialize in creating personalized plans that show you how to achieve financial independence and live the life you want in the future.

Using advanced financial planning tools, we can predict the income and assets you’ll need, accounting for inflation and changes in the cost of living. We also consider your passions and goals, whether it’s giving back to your community or exploring the world. This plan forms the foundation for our recommendations on investing, education funding, insurance, and estate planning.

But retirement planning can be tricky, and many people misunderstand key aspects. Here are some common areas that need careful management.

Social Security: Delaying your benefits can lead to higher monthly payments. Is this something you should consider?

Medical Costs: Healthcare expenses in retirement can be significant, even with Medicare and other coverage. Having a strategy can help you be better prepared.

Longevity: With advances in healthcare, it’s not uncommon to live well into your 80s or 90s. We’ll help you plan for a potential 20- to 30-year retirement.

Withdrawals: The “4% rule” is a good starting point for withdrawals, but your situation may be unique. We’ll help you determine the best approach.

Taxes: With a mix of taxable and tax-advantaged accounts, it’s important to plan which ones to draw from first. We’ll guide you based on your goals and risk tolerance.

Other Costs: Retirement shouldn’t mean sacrificing your children’s or grandchildren’s education. We’ll help you find a balance between saving for retirement and supporting their educational goals.

Financial independence planning can seem like a daunting task, but with the right financial guidance, it can be both manageable and enjoyable. Most importantly, this plan will tell you what to do now to help make reaching the goal line more attainable.

You can’t wait until the two-minute warning to start saving and paying off debt. By working with our team, we can help you manage cash flow and debt, plan for major future expenses, and review for proper investment allocations so your assets have a better chance of lasting throughout your golden years.

Have a question? Want to chat? Contact us via phone or by filling out a contact form on our website, and we’ll be in touch.

Aaron Waters
Wealth Advisor & Shareholder


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