Mid-Year Mental Health Check-In: How to Take Stock of Your Mental Well-Being

May 9, 2023

Here’s why I think it’s important to check in with our mental health and well-being at the midpoint of the year: Life can be stressful, and it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind without taking a step back to assess how we’re truly feeling. Whether it’s wrapping up another school year or just taking a break to assess how we’re feeling mentally and emotionally, taking this opportunity to reflect and recharge can help us stay healthy and happy.

I strive to use this time of year to reflect and evaluate what’s most important. My charge to you (and to myself) is to consider these steps as you check in on yourself.

Learn to say no. Many of us have become conditioned to accept a frantic pace of life. Our time is filled with to-dos and commitments but at what cost? I’m grateful to have experienced a slower pace of life recently, and I’ve learned to carefully consider the purpose and value of what resurfaces on my calendar.

Warm weather means it’s time to go outside. My wife and I try to limit our kids’ screen time each day since it’s common that everything we do involves some level of technology. Whereas the use of electronics can be seen as progress, it can easily wear on our mental health, and it can be easy to forget how a little sunshine can fix a bad mood. Family walks, picnic lunches, and visiting local parks are a few examples, and I find my entire family benefits from fresh air, sunshine and time away from screens.

Prioritize physical and mental health. I believe there’s a powerful connection between mind, body and spirit. When we eat well, exercise and cultivate a positive mindset, our physical bodies often feel better too. When we get busy, it’s not uncommon for these things to suffer, but they’re critical to our health and performance in other areas of life.

Set goals for the rest of the year. I strive to identify areas where I would like to make improvements, such as reducing stress, increasing self-care or working on specific relationships. My advice is to try to set achievable goals. That way, you can plan the steps you need to take to reach them.

Reach out for support. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, seek support from a friend, family member or professional counselor. Mental health support can help you process your thoughts, develop coping strategies and provide a safe, non-judgmental space to talk about your concerns.

Make time for YOU. Taking care of yourself is crucial for maintaining good mental health. This can be anything from exercising, meditating or pursuing your hobbies and interests. I strive to schedule self-care time into my routine and stick to it or do something together, like go for a walk with my wife.. even if it’s only for a short distance.

By conducting a mid-year mental health check-in, we are taking an important step toward prioritizing our mental health and well-being. This can help us identify any areas of concern and take action to address them. I always say that taking care of our mental health is just as important as taking care of our physical health.

I hope you will join me in carrying forward these steps to ensure we are taking care of ourselves both mentally and physically so that we can work together to build lives of purpose and meaning!

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Mid-Year Mental Health Check-In: How to Take Stock of Your Mental Well-Being

Here’s why I think it’s important to check in with our mental health and well-being at the midpoint of the year: Life can be stressful, and it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind without taking a step back to assess how we’re truly feeling. Whether it's wrapping up another school year or just taking a break to assess how we’re feeling mentally and emotionally, taking this opportunity to reflect and recharge can help us stay healthy and happy.