What Is Family Leadership?

August 12, 2019

I’ve worked in the financial industry all of my adult life, but people are surprised to learn I spend very little time talking with clients about money. Do we review your investment portfolios? Sure. Do we care about getting you the best possible returns? Of course. Is that the primary job of a financial advisor? No. Because if we grow your financial resources without helping you build a life of passion and purpose, we’re only doing half the job we’re called to do.

In most of my client meetings, we talk about life, about challenges, about possibilities. We talk about how to make an impact on our communities, our companies, and most importantly, our families. But being successful in these areas is no easy task, I know. It takes focus, time, ruthless prioritization – things we often struggle to find enough of at home – which is why we’re hosting our first Family Leadership Summit on Saturday, Sept. 21. (Tickets are only $25 and proceeds benefit The HALO Project. Buy them here.)

To me, “family leadership” is about understanding the things that are most important to your family and designing your life around them. It’s about identifying your family’s core values and viewing everything else – your marriage, parenting, finances, estate plans – as tools for teaching and supporting those values. That’s why we’ve structured the agenda for the summit to address each of these topics.

With busy lives, I understand it’s hard to make time to focus on the bigger picture, but this is important work. I’m certain you’ll find it valuable to hear from authors, therapists, advisors, attorneys and some of the best parents I know. Learning from others’ life experiences and creative solutions is inspiring, and I’m excited to provide a forum where we can share our struggles and victories with one another with vulnerability and empathy. Together, let’s make a plan to be intentional with the time we have. Cheers to big-picture thinking and purposeful living!


Blog by Kyle Brownlee, Chief Executive Officer.

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