Market Updates for a New Year

January 9, 2019

Investors: what you’re feeling is perfectly normal. Watching the news or reading the headlines lately can be anxiety-inducing. Despite the recent downturn in the stock market, however, the macro economic outlook still appears stable.

Unemployment remains low, the latest jobs reports look good and gross domestic product has been encouraging. However, we are keeping an eye on some important headwinds. The economies in China and Europe show signs of slowing, and the tariff discussions with China cause some uncertainty. The recent manufacturing report for the U.S. is down, and political infighting carries its own potential implications. The Fed policy might be a headwind, too, depending on what actions are taken in 2019.

More volatility in the coming year is likely, and many advisors view these situations as good opportunities for investors to get in while things are down, so they can ride the upswing later. At Wymer Brownlee, we don’t believe in trying to “time the market.” Financial planning is about strategy, not luck. Your portfolio should already be set up to weather the storm of market fluctuations.

Although you’re understandably going to feel heartburn over market downturns, it’s our job as your financial advisor to keep you focused on the long-game. One of the ways we can serve you best is by providing consistent, strategic advice through periods of volatility or calm. So, if you need to talk through the impact of market changes on your financial plan, we’re just a phone call away.

Blog by Stephen O’Neill, Senior Wealth Advisor.


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