How Can You Start Living a Richer Life This Spring?

April 24, 2024

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” – Henry David Thoreau

Let’s face it. Money is like a sugar high. It makes you happy in the short term but will leave you unsatisfied without a greater purpose.

To most people, wealth is defined as the ability to purchase whatever they want, whenever they want. They think that with enough money, they can buy happiness. However, in reality, true wealth is having the ability to fully experience life. With this mindset, money becomes one of the tools that can help with the goal of having a joyful life. Nothing puts money in an appropriate place more than recognizing it is only a tool for a full life.

Wealth is having the freedom to give your time toward who and what you love without being constrained by financial worries. Maybe you dream of changing jobs or going back to school for another degree, or your passion is donating to a non-profit near and dear to your heart. Or perhaps it is taking your family on an unforgettable vacation. My wife Tori and I have been focused on our future family plans as our youngest Blair is getting older and will start school soon. I believe one of the biggest gifts we can give our daughter and future children is an education, so we have started saving early on.

Regardless of your income level or total net worth, there are several ways to live a richer, fuller life this spring.

Make the Time. Whether it is spending time with your kids or grandkids, taking a walk in the park, traveling more, or reading a new book – set aside time to do what matters most to you. You won’t reach the end of your life wishing you would have spent more time at the office.

Be Present. Stop and smell the roses. Focus on memories and experiences. Invest in opportunities that will enrich your life. Travel to new and exciting places, try new foods, be open to new experiences, and you will make memories that last a lifetime. We are always tempted to live for the future. The present is taken for granted, and the consequence is that we have lost this present time forever. Do not fall into this trap.

Be Generous with Your Resources. Volunteering your time, donating to charities, and helping those who need it most will give you a sense of purpose and increase your overall well-being. The old adage is, “It is better to give than to receive,” which is proven by extensive research showing that the brain registers the act of giving as a pleasurable experience. When we do good for others, we almost always have a side effect of doing good for ourselves.

I firmly believe that wealth allows you to experience life more fully. But a “wealthy” life does not mean having more zeros in your bank account. This spring, you can start experiencing a richer life with these simple steps. No matter what your plans are, individually or with loved ones, I hope it’s filled with fun memories and time well spent with the people you love.

Blog by Andrew Barnes, Shareholder and Wealth Advisor


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